Sunday, June 26, 2016

sleeping beauty sabrina carpenter movie blog

this is anther sleeping beauty sabrina carpenter movie 🎥blog anther monderized twist in it would be whare susie played by sabrina carpenter in it uses her spell book for the spell and she says out there with her prince with her out there change the time before the mysterous fairy witch started her tree army out there and change the long time line of that and make everything to be the way it was for me before all of that happened and the time 🕑of the mysterous fairy witch whare she did her tree army out there is all gone and the long time🕑 line of that is all gone of that too and the mysterous fairy witch see,s the power of that takeing her down and she says like no no noooooooooooo and she is gone and defated for good and susie played by sabrina carpenter is at the beach out there and she see,s her prince going by her and starting to be with her out there and there both togther agian and she says to him whail he is with her out there you know why i never stoped for me to be with you agian my prince it,s cause you are cute looking to me and charming looking to me i like a guy who looks cute looking and charming looking like that and i wanna like be with you and now i am with you agian she smiles at him out there and they both kiss each other on there lips at the beach out there togther as anther monderized huger twist ending in it that,s the sleeping beauty sabrina carpenter movie🎥 blog.

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