Wednesday, June 8, 2016

disney is doing tangled in live action movie blog

this is anther disney is doing tangled in live action moviešŸŽ„ blog disney has had some more thought in doing tangled in live action will doing tangled in live action that,s rapunzel in tangled in live action the stroy in tangled in live action is of a disney princess named rapunzel from tangled in it who wants to be with flyn rider outside her tower really badly at the outside world with him but mother gothel from tangled in it doesn,t want her to be at the outside world being with him out there she thinks the outside world is way too dangerous for her to be with flyn rider out there at the outside world out there rapunzel hope is on her getting back to being with her mother and her father at the place that she lives at out there she showed mother gothel from tangled in her tall tower the glowing lantrens that,s up in the night sky outside out there but mother gothel doesn,t want her to haer her talk about the glowing lantrens that,s up in the night sky up there outside out there she just wants her to be safe from the outside world out there that,s more imporant to mother gothel from tangled that,s the disney is doing tangled in live action moviešŸŽ„ blog.

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