Friday, June 10, 2016

frozen live action movie blog

this is anther frozen live action movie🎥 blog the movie actress as anna from frozen for frozen in live action would sing in the flim 🎞in live action for the frist time in forever from frozen in frozen in live action singing as anna from frozen in frozen in live action in the flim 🎞in live action like the window is open so is that door i never knew that they did that anymore who knew we owned a thousdand saled palets all these years i,ve rom these empty halls why a ball room with no ball finley there opening up the gates there will be acuale real life pepole it will be totally strange wow am i so ready for this change cause for the frist time in forever there will be music there will be fun and there will be light for the frist time in forever i,ll be dancing through the night who knows if i am realited or gasy but i am somewhare in the zone imgine me gown at the ball offically draped agianst the wall picture of safistacted grace i sundly see him standing there a really great stranger tall and fare i wanna stuff some chocolate in my face but then we laugh and talk all evaning wich is totally bazzar nothing like the life i led so far cause for the frist time in forever there will be music and there will be fun for the frist time in forever i could be noticed by someone and i know it sounds totally crazy to dream i found romance cause for the frist time in forever at least i,ve got a chance in the flim 🎞in live action that,s the frozen live action movie🎥 blog.

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