yo poor rudolph he didnt do any raindeer games he,s all alone by his raindeer lonsome poor rudolph
poor him it makes me cry for him poor rudoplh then one chritsmas eve yo stanta came to say yo rudoplh with your nose soo bright yo wont you guide my sleigh tonight yo and all the raindeer loved him yo as they all shouted hoooray hoooray rudoplh yo he will be part of histroy of him yo i said to her well at least you can rap it like you mean it with the chritsmas sprit one of you bellrena grils will do the show in this buliding at chritsmas day at chritsmas togther the bellrena gril she said to me lauren yes we will it will be the last show will do in this bulding at chritsmas day at chritsmas then we will go our seprate bellrena grils way for now and start doing a chritsmas rap song then i said to her yes tommo gril hread your rap chritsmas song version of rudoplh the red nose raindeer she liked it i went to the one dircetion guys be with them i said to harry i said to him harry those bellrena grils can really rap chritsmas songs at a chritsmas rap song version of it of thier rap harry he rolled his the eyes he said to me yeah lauren she did allthough rudolph the red nose raindeer he didnt last that song of the part of the chritsmas song of him rudoplh he did he was dead i said to harry i said to him like there was a founral of rudolph the red nose raindeer of him and great honnor of his red glowing nose and him harry he said to me yes lauren there was a funral of rudoplh being dead all the female raindeer,s wore crying in sadness and sarrow over for him soo lauren yeah thats why i said to harry i said to him ohh right goodbye rudoplh goodbye your honnor was great at christmas niall he said to the me him coming to me he said to me lauren dont cry that happens sometimes the show started in the buliding at chritsmas day at chritsmas me and the one dircetion guys watched it the bellrena grils they did great of thier bellrena dancing up on stage of that it started and ended great i clapped at the end of it i said to louis i said to him louis this is the best christmas day and best chritsmas ever louis he said to me yes lauren yes it is the best chritsmas day and best chritsmas ever it was the best chritsmas day and christmas to me ever that way
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