conductor looked at him and said hot choclate do we have hot choclate he said to him i thought you never asked then the train conductor started to sing the hot choclate song louis he looked at him he said to him i think i am just gonna have water the train conductor looked at louis at him he said to him oh ok louis here you go the train conductor he came to me and said to me lauren you flawless gril is there something i can give to you to drink i looked at him and said to him yes i would like to drink hot choclate he said to me hot choclate do we have hot choclate lauren i thought you never asked as he started to sing the song called hot choclate i said to him you could just give me my hot choclate for me to drink you don,t have to sing the hot choclate song ok he looked at me and said ok here you go lauren your hot choclate drink for you to drink the train conductor he said if one of you needed anything on this train one of you know what to do one of you just belive niall he said to the lads of the 1D guys do you guys think that train conductor seems kind of odd when he leaves like that i said to niall to him niall i don,t think he is odd on this train at all he seems kind of nice to me on this train me and the one dircetion guys on the train called the pollar express we went to go to stanta clause on the train called the pollar express it was a great christmas to me that way a verry great christmas to me that way
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
me and the one dircetion guys on the train called the pollar express train at christmas one dircetion fanfiction christmas stroy in a blog
this is a anther one dircetion fanfiction in a christmas way i was with the one dircetion guys at christmas outside in the middle of winter louis he said oh ok lads doe,s you lads got tickets for the train called the pollar express harry he said yes louis i got my ticket for it i said to zyan to him zyan do you got your ticket for it zyan he looked at me and said to me yes lauren i got the ticket for it i said to harry to him harry i have never hread of the pollar express before harry he said to me as he looked at me lauren you havent hared of the pollar express louis he looked at me too he said to me luren you havent hread of the pollar express niall he looked at louis and said i have never hread of the pollar express before louis he looked at niall be said to him you never hread of the pollar express neathier niall the train conductor he said to niall and me niall and lauren you two have both never hread of the pollar express niall and lauren you two this is the pollar express i said to him the pollar express is a train thats like a roller coater ride like train that goes up a hill fast and goes down faster through loops really fast that way the train conductor he looked at me and said to me yes thats right lauren this train is like roller coaster ride like train that way lauren have you read the christmas stroy of this train called the pollar express i looked at him and said ohh right its from the book and it has showed up to me and the 1D guys i said to him i wish i could belive and have bealf of something at christmas louis he looked at me and he said to me lauren you want to belive of something at christmas then belive lauren i went on the train called the pollar express with the one dircetion guys on the train called the pollar express there was tommo gril on the train called the pollar express at frist i thought is this a dream i am haveing at night in bed at night of all of this i went to my seat and sit by niall on the train called the pollar express by him niall he looked at me and said to me hey lauren do you know what train your on train do you know what train this is louis looked at niall at him he said to him og course niall lauren knows what train she is on and what train it is its called the pollar express its a magic train the train conductor he came to louis he said to him is there something louis i would like to give to you drink louis he said to him yes there train conductor do you have any hot choclate the train
conductor looked at him and said hot choclate do we have hot choclate he said to him i thought you never asked then the train conductor started to sing the hot choclate song louis he looked at him he said to him i think i am just gonna have water the train conductor looked at louis at him he said to him oh ok louis here you go the train conductor he came to me and said to me lauren you flawless gril is there something i can give to you to drink i looked at him and said to him yes i would like to drink hot choclate he said to me hot choclate do we have hot choclate lauren i thought you never asked as he started to sing the song called hot choclate i said to him you could just give me my hot choclate for me to drink you don,t have to sing the hot choclate song ok he looked at me and said ok here you go lauren your hot choclate drink for you to drink the train conductor he said if one of you needed anything on this train one of you know what to do one of you just belive niall he said to the lads of the 1D guys do you guys think that train conductor seems kind of odd when he leaves like that i said to niall to him niall i don,t think he is odd on this train at all he seems kind of nice to me on this train me and the one dircetion guys on the train called the pollar express we went to go to stanta clause on the train called the pollar express it was a great christmas to me that way a verry great christmas to me that way
conductor looked at him and said hot choclate do we have hot choclate he said to him i thought you never asked then the train conductor started to sing the hot choclate song louis he looked at him he said to him i think i am just gonna have water the train conductor looked at louis at him he said to him oh ok louis here you go the train conductor he came to me and said to me lauren you flawless gril is there something i can give to you to drink i looked at him and said to him yes i would like to drink hot choclate he said to me hot choclate do we have hot choclate lauren i thought you never asked as he started to sing the song called hot choclate i said to him you could just give me my hot choclate for me to drink you don,t have to sing the hot choclate song ok he looked at me and said ok here you go lauren your hot choclate drink for you to drink the train conductor he said if one of you needed anything on this train one of you know what to do one of you just belive niall he said to the lads of the 1D guys do you guys think that train conductor seems kind of odd when he leaves like that i said to niall to him niall i don,t think he is odd on this train at all he seems kind of nice to me on this train me and the one dircetion guys on the train called the pollar express we went to go to stanta clause on the train called the pollar express it was a great christmas to me that way a verry great christmas to me that way
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
me and the one dircetion guys at a nut cracker bella chritsmas bellrena show at chritsmas day at christmas one dircetion fanfiction chritsmas stroy in a blog
it was chritsmas day and christmas someone came to me me with the one dircetion guys gave me a a peace of paper that said your gonna see the amazing nut cracker bella christmas bellrena dance show ever at chritsmas day at chritsmas ever i said to harry i said to him i dont get the word ever really of of that show i went to the nut craker bella christmas bellrena show with the one dircetion guys in the bulding there at chritsmas day at christmas there was a bellrena gril coming to me crying in sadness and sadness saying to me i can,t do my bellrena dance moves the twirl and spin and my boyfriend in this buliding has broke up with me why why why i said to her well i can teach you to do the bellrena twirl and spin bellrena dancing like move the show must go on she said to me i doudit that this show is gonna be the worst one of the christmas season yet i keep on missing it up lauren soo yeah i said to harry i said to him harry you and the 1D guys with me are gonna those bellrena grils best show at christmas day at christmas ever i,ll to make sure its the best one yet then the worst i showed up helping the bellrena grils of thier dancing of yet i said to those bellrena grils but a bellrena gril ex boyfriend started to call her on her phone he said to her hey i am your feanca i got you a chritsmas persent i started to say to her what was that about she said to me lauren that was my ex boyfriend my feanca i said no no no you wore supose to concatrait you talk to him later its show time the bellrena gril she looked at me and said to me lauren chritsmas to me isnt about me doing show with those bellrena grils every single time in this buliding at chritsmas day at chritsmas its like if transaobreation orcrastra did thier christmas show over over and over agian none stop like that us bellrena grils we are sick of twirling and spianing and doing bellrena dancing we wanna be hip hop grils now and that as our creaer here at chritsmas day at chritsmas and do chritsmas rapq songs i said to her well can you do a rap song version of the chritsmas song called rudolph the red nose raindeer as a rap chritsmas song she started to rap it yo yo yo rudolph the red nose raindeer had a ever shinging nose if you seen seen it yo seen you would evan say it glows yo its like a light bulb yo all of the other raindeer laughed call him names like yo raindeer head with the freaky glowing red nose not nice to say yo yo
yo poor rudolph he didnt do any raindeer games he,s all alone by his raindeer lonsome poor rudolph
poor him it makes me cry for him poor rudoplh then one chritsmas eve yo stanta came to say yo rudoplh with your nose soo bright yo wont you guide my sleigh tonight yo and all the raindeer loved him yo as they all shouted hoooray hoooray rudoplh yo he will be part of histroy of him yo i said to her well at least you can rap it like you mean it with the chritsmas sprit one of you bellrena grils will do the show in this buliding at chritsmas day at chritsmas togther the bellrena gril she said to me lauren yes we will it will be the last show will do in this bulding at chritsmas day at chritsmas then we will go our seprate bellrena grils way for now and start doing a chritsmas rap song then i said to her yes tommo gril hread your rap chritsmas song version of rudoplh the red nose raindeer she liked it i went to the one dircetion guys be with them i said to harry i said to him harry those bellrena grils can really rap chritsmas songs at a chritsmas rap song version of it of thier rap harry he rolled his the eyes he said to me yeah lauren she did allthough rudolph the red nose raindeer he didnt last that song of the part of the chritsmas song of him rudoplh he did he was dead i said to harry i said to him like there was a founral of rudolph the red nose raindeer of him and great honnor of his red glowing nose and him harry he said to me yes lauren there was a funral of rudoplh being dead all the female raindeer,s wore crying in sadness and sarrow over for him soo lauren yeah thats why i said to harry i said to him ohh right goodbye rudoplh goodbye your honnor was great at christmas niall he said to the me him coming to me he said to me lauren dont cry that happens sometimes the show started in the buliding at chritsmas day at chritsmas me and the one dircetion guys watched it the bellrena grils they did great of thier bellrena dancing up on stage of that it started and ended great i clapped at the end of it i said to louis i said to him louis this is the best christmas day and best chritsmas ever louis he said to me yes lauren yes it is the best chritsmas day and best chritsmas ever it was the best chritsmas day and christmas to me ever that way

yo poor rudolph he didnt do any raindeer games he,s all alone by his raindeer lonsome poor rudolph
poor him it makes me cry for him poor rudoplh then one chritsmas eve yo stanta came to say yo rudoplh with your nose soo bright yo wont you guide my sleigh tonight yo and all the raindeer loved him yo as they all shouted hoooray hoooray rudoplh yo he will be part of histroy of him yo i said to her well at least you can rap it like you mean it with the chritsmas sprit one of you bellrena grils will do the show in this buliding at chritsmas day at chritsmas togther the bellrena gril she said to me lauren yes we will it will be the last show will do in this bulding at chritsmas day at chritsmas then we will go our seprate bellrena grils way for now and start doing a chritsmas rap song then i said to her yes tommo gril hread your rap chritsmas song version of rudoplh the red nose raindeer she liked it i went to the one dircetion guys be with them i said to harry i said to him harry those bellrena grils can really rap chritsmas songs at a chritsmas rap song version of it of thier rap harry he rolled his the eyes he said to me yeah lauren she did allthough rudolph the red nose raindeer he didnt last that song of the part of the chritsmas song of him rudoplh he did he was dead i said to harry i said to him like there was a founral of rudolph the red nose raindeer of him and great honnor of his red glowing nose and him harry he said to me yes lauren there was a funral of rudoplh being dead all the female raindeer,s wore crying in sadness and sarrow over for him soo lauren yeah thats why i said to harry i said to him ohh right goodbye rudoplh goodbye your honnor was great at christmas niall he said to the me him coming to me he said to me lauren dont cry that happens sometimes the show started in the buliding at chritsmas day at chritsmas me and the one dircetion guys watched it the bellrena grils they did great of thier bellrena dancing up on stage of that it started and ended great i clapped at the end of it i said to louis i said to him louis this is the best christmas day and best chritsmas ever louis he said to me yes lauren yes it is the best chritsmas day and best chritsmas ever it was the best chritsmas day and christmas to me ever that way
Saturday, November 25, 2017
me and the one dircetion guys at a christmas day party one dircetion fanfiction chritsmas stroy in a blog
it was chritsmas day i was at a chritsmas party one dircetion guys with me there in a buliding there was holiday cheer and the chritsmas sprit we wore playing there the get the chritsmas present game there i was worried that i was gonna lose harry styles said i dont get this chritsmas game i said to harry mean neathier harry me neather you never knows who finds which chritsmas present i was sitting on my chair there there was a gril who use to date zyan there zyan was with the one dircetion guys with me in the buliding there she was with her no good boyfriend he said to her i dont wanna play this game with you here get away from me i am no good for you and he started to leave her i said to zyan zyan why did she leave you to be with that other jerk of a guy here why did she leave you zyan he said to me lauren cause it was verry hart breaking to me when she leaves she doesnt feel like coming back to me at all that boyfriend who she was there is nooo good for you to talk to lauren i said to zyan why she will be with you not her no good boyfriend there was a real theart i went to the gril who was crying in sadness and in sarrow at the chritsmas party there she said to me lauren you came to me to cheer me up after all of that i saidto her that boy he doesnt desvere to be with you here he,s a real jerk to you i gave her a christmas present there to cheer her up she looked at me and said thanks lauren to me there i went back to the one dircetion guys there and cryed and sadness and sarrow of her hart breaking of that no good boyfriend of her there i sat down by the chritsmas tree in the bulding by baby jesus by the christmas tree there i started to cry in sadness and in sarrow feeling sad inside of her there liam payne he came to me he sat down by me as i was crying there he looked at me crying he said to me lauren dont cry dont be sad i said to him liam that gril who i cheered up there she isnt gonna move on from that other guy here who broke her hart here chritsmas day and chritsmas here at this buliding is all ruiened of that she needs colsure away from him here liam pyne he got me a tissue to dry my the tears from eyes there liam payne he looked at me smile on his face he said to me lauren look she has colsure away from that other guy who broke her hart here lauren christmas day and christmas isnt runed it has started in a good i looked at liam and i smiled at him i
said to him your right liam your right she finley has colsure away from him here i stoped crying i was happy agian i said to liam to him liam its a really great christmas day and christmas to me liam he looked at me smile on his face he said to me yes it is lauren yes it is it was a verry great christmas day
to me that way 

said to him your right liam your right she finley has colsure away from him here i stoped crying i was happy agian i said to liam to him liam its a really great christmas day and christmas to me liam he looked at me smile on his face he said to me yes it is lauren yes it is it was a verry great christmas day
Sunday, November 19, 2017
me and the one dircetion guys putting up the chritsmas tree one dircetion fanfiction christmas stroy in a blog
it was christmas day i was in the house with the one dircetion guys with them the one dircetion guys was putting up the chritsmas tree tree in the house they putt up the christmas tree in a funny way in the house harry he said the chritsmas tree looks like its tilting in the house zyan starts to putt chritsmas lights and christmas ortaments on the christmas tree in the house but the christmas tree was still titled in the house i said to niall i remmber when i started to celebrate christmas with my mom and my dad and my brother niall it was christmas day for me and them in my house my mom and my dad we putt up a christmas tree in my house that looked a bit like that christmas tree in this house we putt christmas lights on it and ortaments and we putt the angle on top of it we started to putt baby jesus by the chritsmas tree there in my house it seems like a whail ago niall niall he said to me lauren seems like its the stroy of your life the frist time you have celebrated christmas day and christmas harry he finley had the christmas tree putt up right in the house louis he came to me and said to me wow lauren how do you remmber the frist christmas you have celebarted for the frist time like that it,s really like the stroy of your life that way i said to louis louis when i look at that chritsmas tree one of you guys and harry putt up in this house it just like remined me of that so yeah louis it really is the stroy of my life of that plus the chritsmas day terdantions we like we did of that i just remmebered of that like wow that way louis he smiled at me that i have like known all of that i have remmbered of that it was a verry great christmas day to me that way 

Saturday, November 18, 2017
the yucky chritsmas fruit cake at christmas day and scarpbooking for real at chritsmas day me with the one dircetion guys at chritsmas day one dircetion fanfiction chritsmas stroy in a blog
it was christmas day i was in the house with the one dircetion guys with them harry louis and niall and zyan and liam with me in the house at christmas day harry andlouis and niall and zyan and liam wore talking of the chritsmas fruit cake tasteing digusting and yucky tasteing in the house at chritsmas day harry he said takeing a bit out of it yuck this fruit cake tastes awfull in my mouth harry he went to get a drink of water to wash down the yucky taste of the chritsmas fruit cake at chritsmas day in the house i went to harry i saidto him harry you dont have to eat the yucky chritsmas fruit cake at all i said a funny chritsmas fruit cake joke to make harry and louis and niall and zyan and liam laugh i said i know the fruit cake tastes worse heres a knock knock joke of that a chritsmas fruit cake one knock harry he said whos there i said its santa caluse harry he said santa caluse who i said i am sant clause i,ll throw the fruit cake thats yucky to you in the trash for you and i,ll give you a chritsmas persent merry christmas to you mr niall he started to laugh ha ha ha ha ha ha and said to me thats really funny to me lauren niall he laughed too he said yeah really funny lauren good one luren i rolled my eyes and said to harry sersouly i can throw this digusting christmas fruit cake away zyan he said you can do that lauren throw in the dump in the carbage for us i went to the grabge place one dircetion guys with me i throw the digusting christmas fruit cake to the trash whare it belongs i went back to the house one dircetion guys with me in the house at christmas day there one dircetion guys with me there i did scarpbooking for real there i found photos online on the internet and i putt it in the scarpbook for real it was a scarpbook of the one dircetion guys and that i wanted to meet them verry badly i was verry creative at it louis he came to me he sat right by me in the house at christmas day louis he said to me lauren what are you doing i would like to see it i said to him louis i am doing a scarpbook for real i have allways wanted to do scarpbooking for real and now i am i was done of the photos i putt in it and the words i putt in the scarpbook in it and the theme of the scarpbook for real louis he said to me are you gonna show it to me lauren i said to louis yes louis i am showing it to you i gave it to louis to see it the photos in it and the words in it louis smiled at me he said to me lauren i
like it your verry creative doing it i said to louis thanks louis and i smiled at him it was a verry great

day to me that way. 
like it your verry creative doing it i said to louis thanks louis and i smiled at him it was a verry great
telling the one dircetion guys at chritsmas with then one dircetion fanfiction chritsmas stroy in a blog
it was chritsmas day i was in the house with the one dircetion guys in the house with them with harry louis and niall and zyan and liam with them i went to harry and said to him harry i wanna sing like a real chritsmas caroler i am great at singing a chritsmas song at chritsmas harry rolled his eyes in a serous way he said to me i still think lauren it takes practice of that you singing like a real chritsmas caroler that way lauren i said to harry i know harry i can carry a great chritsmas tune me singing it harry he said to me ok lauren i,ll show you how to sing a chritsmas song as a real chritsmas caroler that way so you dont sing the words of it wrong zyan he said to me yeah lauren sing it like you mean it on tune like that istarted to sing there is the star shineing bright whare babby jesus is at lets celebarte babby jesus at chritsmas right now in harmoney yeah in harmoney niall he sid to me its not that bad at all lauren your singing the words of that chritsmas song right then wrong i said to niall thank you niall i just remmeber the words of the song of that chritsmas song of that i smiled at niall i went outside at the cold to start chritsmas caroling tommo gril was there with the chritsmas carolers and that gril with them zyan was with the gril with the chritsmas carolers she came to me she said to me out there are you ready to do this lauren lets do it i said to her yes i am ready to do this lets do this i went off to do chritsmas caroling with her and the chritsmas caorllers out there at chritsmas day out there

it was a
verry great chritsmas day to me that way 
there,s gonna be a descendants 3 happening verry exciting movie blog
this is a movie blog a disney descendants 3 movie blog you didnt think is was the end of the stroy did you which is defentley true that way dove cameron she will be back her as mal in descendants 3 in it i was thinking of a great twist in disney descendants 3 in it that will make you really happy of that and the fans of disney descendants 3 in it will like as well mal played by dove cameron her meeting the disney descendant daughter of cj hook and captian hook named hollie hook played by sabrina carpenter in disney descendants 3 in it both of thier parents are both disney villans who wore both evil and bad and both rulling the world as a disney villan like that way dove cameron she is verry great as a sepical guest star named jess on the disney channel show called the lodge on it i like dove cameron her as a disney channel female star and a female singer anther great twist in disney descendants 3 in it is janice the daughter of trazan from disney trazan played by laura marano her meeting ally the daughter of alice from disney alice in wonderland named ally in disney descendants 3 in it both sabrina carpenter she was the one i choose her to be as a sepical guest star on the disney channel show called stuck in the middle on it i like sabrina carpenter her as a disney channel female star and a female singer i choose rowan blanchard her to be as a sepical guest star on the disney channel show called stuck in the middle on disney channel on it anther great twist in descendants 3 in it evie played by sofia carson her meeting tia the daughter of tiana from disney the princess and the frog named tia played by zendaya in disney descendants 3 in it i choose zendaya her to be as a sepical guest star on the disney channel show called ravens home on disney channel on it i like her as a disney channel female star and a female singer i like her i choose sofia carson her to be as a sepical guest star on the disney channel show called called bizardvaark on disney channel on it i like her as a female star and a female singer i like her anther great twist in disney descendants 3 in it is harry hook played by thomas dorthey him meeting the disney descendant daughter of elisa from disney frozen named ella frost played by debby ryan in disney descendants 3 in it the cast of bunkd they choose debby ryan her to be as a sepical guest star as jessie the nanny on the disney channel show called bunkd on it i like debby ryan her as a disney channel female star and a female singer i like her movie quiz blog yes it a yes there will be a disney descendnts 3 happening or no number 1 i choose yes number 2 defentley a yes thats my movie blog with a movie quiz blog from me lauren breaux.

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